Dear Friends,
Just in case you don't have the books yet, or you have little time to read them, we want to share with you, each week, some highlights from Anthony William's aka Medical Medium's new Brain Saver and Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses and Recipes books.
These books are absolutely mind-blowing and full of hidden treasures, and we are excited to read along with you as we discover new powerful information within them.
We thought that a good place to start are some critical tips for interpreting the Medical Medium supplement lists. These critical tips will help you interpret the supplement protocols in all the Medical Medium books. Here are a few tips from chapter 2, The Golden Rule of Supplements (page 11) of the Brain Saver Protocols and Cleanses book. Bear in mind, these are extracts and not the full chapters. If you see text in blue, that's our own comments or links. If you would like to buy the books, we can order for you directly. Just drop us a line at info@sante-sauvage.com
- When you see the term dropperful, that means as much liquid supplement as fills the bottle’s eyedropper when you squeeze its rubber top. It may only fill up halfway or less; that’s still considered a dropperful. The eyedropper does not have to be filled to the top.
- There are also some supplements where dosages are given in drops. Make sure to check carefully whether it says drops or dropperfuls (Especially true for iodine, Vit D3, and licorice root, but not only)
- Most of the liquid and powder supplements are meant to be taken in water or juice. Check the directions on the supplement label.
- When it comes to herbal tinctures, actively seek out alcohol-free versions and avoid the word ethanol. If an alcohol-based tincture is all you can find, try to look for the dried herb form and make a tea instead. (On our site, we don’t sell any supplements that contain alcohol, and you won’t see the word “ethanol” in our product offering because we stick closely to Medical Medium information).
- When you see multiple herbal tinctures in a list, you're welcome to combine them into 1 ounce or more of water or juice and take them together
- The same goes for teas. If multiple teas are listed for your symptom or condition, feel free to combine the herbs to make yourself a special tea blend. One cup of tea translates to two teaspoons of loose-leaf tea
- The dosages given are for adults. You should consult a physician for children’s dosages
- When you see the term “daily”, that means to take the given dosage of the supplement over the course of the day and it's your choice how to do that. You're welcome to take the whole dose once a day if you're sensitive or you may want to break it up into multiple servings. For example if it says take two teaspoons of barley grass juice powder daily you may decide either to put both tsp together into a smoothie or have one teaspoon in a morning smoothie and one teaspoon in some water at night
- When you see twice a day that means two instalments taken at any time of the day as long as they are at least 4 hours apart. If you miss one of the instalments on any given day try to start fresh the next day
- You are welcome to take your supplements with or without food."
WHERE TO START ? (page 13)
Celery juice is always a good place to begin or try a brain shot therapy and or heavy metal detox smoothie
After that, if the vitamin B12, zinc, vitamin C and/or lemon balm are in your list, bring those in.
Then, if you're ready to move forward and your list contains spirulina, curcumin, cats claw and or lysine, add those as your next step
Later on, if you're not experiencing what you want from these supplements, you can add a few more from your list. You can always take smaller amounts than the listed dosages if you feel you're sensitive. You also have the option to intermix supplements from the different lists in this book. Any supplement from this book is an option to use if your expert sense of what your body needs or your physicians recommendations tells you to do so.
If you're living with more than one symptom or condition at the same time, one clear place to begin is to pick the health struggle that looms largest in your life. If you plagued by fatigue and that feels the most pressing, you can focus on the supplements for fatigue. Over time, you may find that working on one issue takes care of another. You can choose to switch off after a little while and focus on a different supplement list.
One powerful undiscovered tip is to consider taking your supplements with a piece of fruit such as a banana or even a potato, sweet potato, winter squash, raw honey, pure maple syrup or coconut water (make sure your coconut water is not pink or red). Natural sugar is what carries vitamins, minerals and other nutrients through the bloodstream to help them find where they need to go, so taking your supplements with natural sugars ensures that your liver (the processing centre), and other parts of your body can actually use them. The exception to this tip is celery juice and the brain shot therapies which you should drink by themselves."
I'm constantly asked, What is the most effective form of a given supplement, and does it really matter? Yes, it matters greatly. There are subtle and sometimes critical differences among the different supplement types available that can affect how quickly your viral or bacterial load dies off, if at all; whether your central nervous system repairs itself and how fast; how quickly your inflammation reduces; how long it talkes for your symptoms and conditions to heal; and whether or not you can safely remove toxinc heavy metals and /or toxins. The supplement variety you choose can make or break your progress. To speed up your healing, you need the right kind of supplements. for these very important reasons, I offer a directory of supplements on my website www.medicalmedium.com) of the best forms of each supplement listed in this book."
The information provided and accessible on this page/website is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as health advice or medical diagnosis, treatment or prescription. None of this information should be construed as a promise of benefits, a claim of cure, a legal warranty or a guarantee of results to be achieved. This information is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of your physician or other health care professional, nor is it intended to be a substitute for any notification or instruction contained in or on any product label or packaging. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a medical condition or to prescribe a medication or other treatment. You should consult a health care professional before changing or discontinuing any current medication, treatment or care, starting a diet, exercise or supplementation program, or if you have or suspect you have a health problem.