Dear customers residing in the UK and our English-speaking customers in Europe
Here's how you save 1000s £/€ a year on our store:
Heavy Metal Detox example savings for the 4 following products:
* Spirulina* 250g
* Barley grass juice powder* 250g
*Canadian Wild Blueberry powder^ 500g
* Dulse” 100g
Example with delivery to the UK :
Santé Sauvage price including shipping £138,29 (no customs fees)
Save £110,65*!
Assuming monthly purchases of the four ingredients you will save £1,327.80 per year via Santé Sauvage.
Combined with all the other incredible quality supplements like Zinc, B12, Vitamin C, etc also available on sante-sauvage.com you will literally save €/£1000s per year!
For example:
B12 you save 34%
Zinc you save 23%
Vit C you save 37%
* same product source and factory process as leading brand.
^ same variety as leading brand sourced from Eastern Canada.
“ Atlantic dulse flakes sourced from Ireland (organic certified)
All prices correct as at 2nd June 2024 on Amazon.co.uk and santé-sauvage.com adjusted for grammage differences.
Total Price stated includes delivery.
Santé Sauvage also offers loyalty points!
Santé-Sauvage is continually reinvesting to bring more and more of the best quality products to Europe at amazing prices. We humbly ask you to continue/start supporting us.